Option A
49 %
Option B
50 %
Showing 55/50 responses
Public    31 May 2021
27 Responses to Option A
27 people chose A as their choice
1. I like the .fund
2. sounds more trendy for younger people
4. Shorter, the url ending is perfect and it'd be memorable rather than another dot com
5. Option 1 looks cleaner and is easier to read.
11. i would like it.
15. More expensive to fund
17. this is best
18. EASY
23. It sounds less commercial this way. It feels like it is free from the confines of corporate interests.
24. It seems option 1 is best
26. I think it flows well. It may be a little easier to remember the .fund part, and the overall name is much better looking and just makes sense.
27. it is good
32. Very trust one.
34. I mean it
35. I think .coms are so boring. Making it .Fund looks better and stands out.
36. inpireme fund is the best one
38. I like the idea of not using "com".
45. Best Fundraising Platforms
47. It is shorter to type in and easy to remember.
48. it look short and east to remember
49. 1 is shorter so it might be easier to remember and type in
51. Having something besides .com makes it sound much more unique and memorable.
52. the url look very unique and good
53. I really like option one. I feel the URL fits in very well.
54. Nice simple and straight to the point information source. They would be able to help very well with crowdfunding.
55. the url look very unique and good
28 Responses to Option B
28 people chose B as their choice
3. I would want to add .com to option 1 cause it's missing so it would be confusing. Option 2 is straight forward.
6. it seems to flow better.
7. The first one looks really sketchy.
8. the URL seems to be more reliable.
9. This is more in line with normal website names and will help prevent confusion.
10. I have never heard of .fund before and I am not sure if it is a scam. #2 seems more legit.
12. I don't trust websites that end in things other than .com, .gov., etc. A .fund site is too odd for me.
13. I feel like anything without a .com address at the end looks suspicious. I would not visit a .Fund website.
14. the first one looks like a scam because it is not a dot com domain name
16. Its like a professional name
19. no comments
20. Because it's sounds very interesting.
22. I think the option 2 is is good and attractive and good thoughts in the names
25. Dot com is more familiar. InspireMeFund should be together as the name.
28. .com sounds more normal than .fund. .Fund just seems weird to me
29. it looks and sounds more natural
30. I feel it is better to specify that it is a Crowdfunding Platform by adding "fund" at the end, so people will easily recognize it.
31. Websites without the standard .com on the end seem dodgy
33. It looks nice and meaningful.
37. I hesitate a bit when I see sites not end in the usual .com, .org, and so on. For this one, even though Option 1 SOUNDS better, I think Option 2 is more legit.
39. It looks like a better name.
40. this one is more interesting
41. It's less confusing
42. the .com in option 2 represents a commercial intent of the website thus is more suitable.
43. i felt that fast site
44. Because it's very meaningful and attractive.
46. because its like link so its easy for using
50. I like option 2 because its not as confusing as option 1. Most people expect to use .com in the web address so by keeping it simple, more people will find the site.

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